Tag Archives: Teilhard de Chardin

TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist

A review by Father Peter Malone (Australia) ā€œGod does not make the world. God makes the world make itself without Godā€™s interference.ā€ Is that our idea of God, of the cosmos, of evolution? In the past, not so much agreement … Continue reading

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The New Spiritual Exercises

For the past forty years, I have been trying to put Teilhard’s new ideas into common speech as clearly as I can. Some years ago, a person told me that if I wanted to get Teilhardā€™s evolutionary insights more well … Continue reading

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The Teilhard Project mourns the passing of our dear friend and Honorary Board Member, Jesuit Father George Coyne.   George lost a battle with cancer in Syracuse, New York, where at the age of 87 he was still teaching at … Continue reading

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For almost a decade an intrepid band of Teilhardistas have been caring for Teilhard’s grave in Hyde Park, NY, on the grounds of the Culinary Institute of America (CIA).  The effort was originally led by Dr. Jacqueline Francois, and her … Continue reading

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Teilhard in 1917, wearing two medals he was awarded for valor. Following up on our post after Armistice Day:  serving in The Great War was a pivotal point in the life of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  At the age of … Continue reading

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