Tag Archives: evolution


Teilhard in 1917, wearing two medals he was awarded for valor. Following up on our post after Armistice Day:  serving in The Great War was a pivotal point in the life of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  At the age of … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas to all

The following reflection and prayer by Guest Blogger Matthew Cook was inspired by Teilhard de Chardin and Gerard Manley Hopkins. I am enlightened by what Teilhard and Hopkins said about anticipation and hope, but I am inspired by how they … Continue reading

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                     As some of you may already know, there is exciting news from Rome. On Saturday, November 18, 2017, the Pontifical Council for Culture was meeting in Plenary Assembly to discuss the topic of “The Future of Humanity: New Challenges … Continue reading

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As Thanksgiving approaches, we are grateful to you, our supporters, who have brought us this far in our documentary on Teilhard.  This year has been very rich, with an extensive filming trip to China in May.  We wrote you about … Continue reading

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The New Cosmic Story

Check out John Haught’s new book, The New Cosmic Story, which looks at the universe through the lens of Big History, taking us another step forward in pursuit of “The New Story.”   Haught is an advisor to The Teilhard de … Continue reading

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