Merry Christmas to all

The following reflection and prayer by Guest Blogger Matthew Cook was inspired by Teilhard de Chardin and Gerard Manley Hopkins.

I am enlightened by what Teilhard and Hopkins said about anticipation and hope, but I am inspired by how they lived it. In fulfillment of their special vow to God, they accepted missions to places foreign to them, separated from colleagues, family, and friends. There they lived their last years and died. In the last few lines he ever wrote, Hopkins said “I want the one rapture of an Inspiration,” echoing his words in his first published poem, O, Christ, Christ, come quickly.

Here is my “on the way” prayer- beginning and ending with Hopkins’ words from his first poem.

Jesu Light, Jesu Heart, take and receive, all I have and all I am, so that You may have me and I may have Love, my true self, and happiness in the Source of All, the Love Energy of All, and the Rhythm and Harmony of All, now and forever. O, Christ, Christ, come quickly.



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