Author Archives: frostffp

What They’re Saying About The Film…

Since its broadcast debut and its availability for streaming this May ~ and even before that, at multiple film screening ~ viewers have been singing the praises of TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist. Here is a sampling: If you know Teilhard, this … Continue reading

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Where Dragons Came To Die

By John Kotre Thirty miles southwest of Beijing (or Peking) lie a hill, a village, and a museum.  The name of the village is Zhoukoudian (once Choukoutien) and the museum is dedicated to one Sinanthropus, or “Peking Man.”  Long ago, … Continue reading

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Birds in the Wind: How Their Story Ended

By John Kotre In 1934, early in his relationship with the artist Lucile Swan, Teilhard de Chardin responded to a “glorious” letter of hers.  “You have entered more deep than ever, as an active seed, the innermost of myself,” he … Continue reading

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Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Feminine

Address delivered March 19, 2016 at Centre Sevres in Paris. By Marie Bayon de la Tour,Great Niece of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin It is not that I have already taken hold of it (righteousness) or have already attained it in … Continue reading

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Le PÚre Pierre Teilhard de Chardin et le féminin

Par Marie Bayon de la Tour19 Mars 2016 | AcadĂ©mie Catholique -Centre SĂšvres Je n’ai pas encore atteint la perfection, mais je poursuis ma course pour tĂącher de saisir, puisque j’ai moi-mĂȘme Ă©tĂ© saisi par le Christ JĂ©sus (Lettre de … Continue reading

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