Tag Archives: Mass on the World

Happy Easter !

Easter Sunday, 1923.  Teilhard de Chardin sat writing under a tree in an oasis of sorts in the Ordos Desert of Inner Mongolia. As the sun came up Teilhard wrote,   “Over there on the horizon, the sun has just … Continue reading

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Teilhard’s “Mass on the World” Video

Teilhard de Chardin’s  mystical “Mass on the World” was performed at Georgetown University April 9, 2015.  It was staged to honor its author on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his death.  A video of this performance can be … Continue reading

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A Thanksgiving Thought

Thank you to each and every one of you who participate with us in The Teilhard de Chadin Project. At a time of Thanksgiving, we recollect that the wonder of the world in its continuous becoming was a never-ending marvel … Continue reading

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Teilhard de Chardin speaks of incarnation

The Teilhard de Chardin Project offers Christmas Greetings in words taken from Teilhard de Chardin’s Mass on the World. He first wrote them in 1923 at the site pictured here, Salawusu in the Ordos Desert in Inner Mongolia.  Thanks to … Continue reading

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