Tag Archives: consciousness

Happy Birthday, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin!

May 1. On this day in 1881, a son was born to Emmanuel Teilhard de Chardin and his wife Berthe Adèle de Dompierre d’Hornoy. They named him Pierre Marie Joseph. He was their fourth child and second son. Eventually they … Continue reading

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A God for Evolution

Teilhard once wrote “Who, at last, will give us a God for evolution?”   Gregory McAllister, in the guest blog below, takes a swing at answering Teilhard’s question in the context of current events. God! Lately I find myself thinking about … Continue reading

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The Rawness of God

The following was taken from molma.indigo – Musings from a Spiritual Wanderer I finished reading Teilhard’s “Hymn of the Universe” (thank you William Ockham) about 2:30 AM this morning. I was so taken by the outpouring of emotion that I … Continue reading

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Death for Life

The following is an abbreviated re-blog of a post which can be found in its entirety (with illustrations) at http://ecospiritualityresources.com/blog/. DID NOT THE CHRIST HAVE TO DIE?  (Luke 24:26) Lent is transitioning into Holy Week and Easter — with Earth … Continue reading

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Teilhard’s Inner Face of Consciousness

A Guest Blog from Clint Hyer A few nights ago, I watched a PBS show “What Do Plants Talk About”  http://video.pbs.org/video/2338524490/  which showed how how plants, with no separate brains, can respond to, and react with, their environments. We are … Continue reading

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