Teilhard’s “Noosphere” 2013

Every email, tweet, search, or post is creating and strengthening connections in our global brain, literally changing the shape of the internet that we as billions of people all over the world are developing together,” says Tiffany Shlain in her wonderful video BRAIN POWER: From Neurons to Networks.

The global brain which Teilhard dubbed the “noosphere” in the 1920s is becoming ever more manifest in the internet, which Shlain compares to a child’s mind, since it is still in its infant stages of evolution.  Here is more of what she says in the film.

“And if we say the internet is in the same critical stage of early development making as many connections as possible, we also need to be mindful of how we are building its foundation. 

Just like every interaction creates new connections in a child’s brain, every email, tweet, search, or post is creating and strengthening connections in our global brain, literally changing the shape of the internet that we as billions of people all over the world are developing together.

And just as it’s key for all the different parts of a child’s brain to be connected to set the stage for the most insightful and creative thoughts, it’s key that all the different parts of the world are connected to lay the foundation for worldwide empathy, innovation, and human expression.   ….

We all have the opportunity to shape the future of the world.  And our future starts here.”

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