Tag Archives: Thomas Berry
Another friend of The Teilhard de Chardin Project willing to share what Teilhard has come to mean to her is Ellie Stock. Welcome, Ellie. We would like to hear your story, too. Write frankfrost@teilhardproject.com. I am a “retired” Presbyterian pastor … Continue reading
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Tagged Bonhoeffer, Brian Swimme, Bultmann, ecology, Ellie Stock, Jim Miller, John Cock, John Grim, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Michael Dowd, Niebuhr, PC(USA), philosophers, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Presbyterian Association for Science Technology and the Christian Faith, Presbyterian Church, science and religion, Sister Miriam MacGillis, Teilhard de Chardin, Teilhard de Chardin Project, Thomas Berry, Tillich, Wendell Berry